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ISBN number 978-178035-348-7 for Twice Nightly

ISBN no 978-178035-713-3 for

To Catch a Falling Star

Waterstones, Daunt Books and Foyles are more than happy to order this for you.

Buy with confidence from Amazon - some market sellers are offering it at a competitive price. Don't forget if you enjoy/hate the novel, post a comment on Amazon.

ISBN no 978-178035-713-3

Twice Nightly E-Book Available!

Twice Nightly is now available as an e-book in all formats across the World. So you can enjoy Twice Nightly on your Kindle, KoBo, Apple or whatever electronic reader you use and at a price that won't break the bank! Go to the website you would normally use - i.e. Amazon for Kindle, Barnes and Noble for Nook etc. You can also use the publishers website, details below.

Curtains and Backstage - now available as e-books.

I am very pleased that my books are environment friendly and not produced on mass.

Twice Nightly is also currently available in the Gorleston Library,Herne Hill Library, London and also in the Kentucky Library USA.

Ask your local library if they have the books - maybe they can get copies in for you to take out on loan.

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